A long standing supplier to JPL, Cembre UK, based in Curdworth in the West Midlands manufactures Copper Tube Lugs and Insulated Crimp Terminals and is a key manufacturing plant within the Cembre group. Cembre manufactures a matched system of marked lugs, crimp tools and dies in accordance with Code of Practice BS7609. View our range of Cembre cable terminations.

Copper Tube Lugs & Connectors

The A-M series Copper Tube Lugs are manufactured from electrolytic copper tube. The dimensions of the tube are designed to obtain the most efficient electrical conductivity and mechanical strength to resist vibration and pull out. Cembre’ s L-M range of Copper Tube Through Connectors are designed for jointing low voltage conductors, made to the same dimensions as the A-M range, the connectors are annealed and electrolytically tin plated.  

PVC Insulated Crimp Terminals

The F range of PVC insulated terminals offers a wide range of rings, forks, pins and blades. The unique funnel shape of the PVC sleeve guarantees total insertion of the conductor strands into the terminal barrel, creating a secure and reliable electrical and mechanical connection. 

4 Hole Transformer Lugs

The A-4ESI series lugs are made from high purity electrolytic copper tube, annealed and tin plated. The four hole stud fixing in accordance with E.A. specifications ensure compatibility with most transformer fixing arrangements.  

Crimping and Cutting Tools

A comprehensive range of quality hand and mechanical crimping and cutting tools are available within the Cembre range. 


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