Following the flooding of our Shipley warehouse on Boxing Day we are please to say the warehouse has now been cleaned, replacement stock has been arriving and orders processed and delivered as normal. This has been a mammoth undertaking and our sincere thanks to all the staff who came in over the Christmas holidays to start the cleanup along with a number of volunteers who came down to help. Our thanks to our suppliers for ensuring the orders placed for the replacement stock were delivered in quick time and their offers of help such as providing replacement pallets. We also need to thank our customers for their support and understanding during these challenging couple of weeks. Unfortunately our Sales Counter has not recovered as quickly, account customers can ring/fax/e-mail their orders through to be ready but we are unable to accept any cash/credit card transactions at this time.This is the first time in our warehouse has been anywhere near flooded and was the result of river Aire exceeding it previously recorded highest level by quiet a margin. It may have been a one off event, however, we are now planning the warehouse in such a way to minimise the impact should we be unfortunate enough of suffer a similar event. The service we provide our customers is our number one priority and we have done and will do everything in our powers to ensure that service is maintained.